GeoPunk Bus Timetables

HMP Swaleside and Standford Hill (Travelling East) nr Bus Stop in Brabazon Road Eastchurch Prisons Eastchurch

The HMP Swaleside and Standford Hill Bus Stop is located on Brabazon Road in Eastchurch Prisons which is a region of Eastchurch .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is ME12 4D, which is 278.45 metres away.

Map of the HMP Swaleside and Standford Hill Bus Stop

HMP Swaleside and Standford Hill Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

HMP Swaleside and Standford Hill is a Bus Stop in Eastchurch Prisons

Street:Brabazon Road
Landmark:Swaleside and Standford Hill Prisons
Bus Stop Latitude:51.39507890
Bus Stop Longitude:0.85114182
Bus Stop Eastings:598444
Bus Stop Northings:170084
Unitary Authority Area:Kent
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Eastchurch
Bus Stop NaptanCode:kntgdma
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2400A071030A

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Buses that call at this Stop

360: Sheerness - Minster - Eastchurch - Leysdown

360: Sheerness - Minster - Eastchurch - Leysdown
