GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Chaucer Gardens (Travelling North West) adj Bus Stop in Masefield Way Brook Street Tonbridge

The Chaucer Gardens Bus Stop is located on Masefield Way in Brook Street which is a region of Tonbridge .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is TN9 2PU, which is 31.31 metres away.

Map of the Chaucer Gardens Bus Stop


Chaucer Gardens is a Bus Stop in Brook Street

Street:Masefield Way
Landmark:Chaucer Gardens
Bus Stop Latitude:51.18687499
Bus Stop Longitude:0.25675424
Bus Stop Eastings:557811
Bus Stop Northings:145492
Unitary Authority Area:Kent
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Tonbridge
Bus Stop NaptanCode:kntdmpm
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2400A036090A

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Buses that call at this Stop

211: Tonbridge - Brook Street - Deakin Leas - Tonbridge
