GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Hedon Thorn Road (Travelling North) 22011893 Bus Stop in Thorn Road Hedon

The Hedon Thorn Road Bus Stop is located on Thorn Road at the crossing with Main Street in Hedon .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is HU12 8BB, which is 299.07 metres away.

Map of the Hedon Thorn Road Bus Stop


Hedon Thorn Road is a Bus Stop in Hedon

Street:Thorn Road
Crossing:Main Street
Landmark:Seven Acres
Bus Stop Latitude:53.72762594
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.18827112
Bus Stop Eastings:519627
Bus Stop Northings:427215
Unitary Authority Area:East Riding of Yorkshire
Bus Stop NaptanCode:2201189
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2200YEA11893

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Buses that call at this Stop

75h: Hull - Withernsea
