GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Bushey Mill Crescent (Travelling North West) opp Bus Stop in Bushey Mill Lane North Watford Watford

The Bushey Mill Crescent Bus Stop is located on Bushey Mill Lane at the crossing with Sandringham Road in North Watford which is a region of Watford .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is WD24 7Q, which is 47.34 metres away.

Map of the Bushey Mill Crescent Bus Stop


Bushey Mill Crescent is a Bus Stop in North Watford

Street:Bushey Mill Lane
Crossing:Sandringham Road
Bus Stop Latitude:51.67784607
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.39598242
Bus Stop Eastings:511002
Bus Stop Northings:198893
Unitary Authority Area:Hertfordshire
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Watford
Bus Stop NaptanCode:hrtagdt
Bus Stop AtcoCode:210021900390

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