GeoPunk Bus Timetables

John Henry Newman School Grounds (Travelling North West) o/s Bus Stop in Hitchin Road Corey's Mill Stevenage

The John Henry Newman School Grounds Bus Stop is located on Hitchin Road in Corey's Mill which is a region of Stevenage .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is SG12 0A, which is 72.07 metres away.

Map of the John Henry Newman School Grounds Bus Stop

John Henry Newman School Grounds Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

John Henry Newman School Grounds is a Bus Stop in Corey's Mill

Street:Hitchin Road
Bus Stop Latitude:51.92000653
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.21378144
Bus Stop Eastings:522939
Bus Stop Northings:226116
Unitary Authority Area:Hertfordshire
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Stevenage
Bus Stop NaptanCode:hrtdwgd
Bus Stop AtcoCode:210021285000

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