GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Baker's Arms Bus Shelter (Travelling North) opp Bus Stop in B4361 Orleton

The Baker's Arms Bus Shelter Bus Stop is located on B4361 in Orleton .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is SY8 4HP, which is 57.94 metres away.

Map of the Baker's Arms Bus Shelter Bus Stop

Baker's Arms Bus Shelter Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Baker's Arms Bus Shelter is a Bus Stop in Orleton

Landmark:Baker's Arms
Bus Stop Latitude:52.30190020
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.75369543
Bus Stop Eastings:348703
Bus Stop Northings:267354
Unitary Authority Area:Herefordshire
Region:West Midlands
Bus Stop NaptanCode:heratmj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2090A0106320

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