GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Falstaff Drive (Travelling North East) adj Bus Stop in Primsland Way Witton Droitwich Spa

The Falstaff Drive Bus Stop is located on Primsland Way at the crossing with Falstaff Drive in Witton which is a region of Droitwich Spa .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is WR9 7AQ, which is 19.25 metres away.

Map of the Falstaff Drive Bus Stop


Falstaff Drive is a Bus Stop in Witton

Street:Primsland Way
Crossing:Falstaff Drive
Bus Stop Latitude:52.25403539
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.15752154
Bus Stop Eastings:389344
Bus Stop Northings:261774
Unitary Authority Area:Worcestershire
Region:West Midlands
Parent Locality:Droitwich Spa
Bus Stop NaptanCode:wocdwpa
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2000G612328

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Buses that call at this Stop

S19: Town Centre - Droitwich Schools

S19: Town Centre - Droitwich Schools