GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Rose and Crown (Travelling North East) Adj Bus Stop in Rose Hill Lickey

The Rose and Crown Bus Stop is located on Rose Hill in Lickey .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is B48 7TJ, which is 136.74 metres away.

Map of the Rose and Crown Bus Stop


Rose and Crown is a Bus Stop in Lickey

Street:Rose Hill
Bus Stop Latitude:52.37980559
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.00878485
Bus Stop Eastings:399499
Bus Stop Northings:275752
Unitary Authority Area:Worcestershire
Region:West Midlands
Bus Stop NaptanCode:wocdjda
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2000G502804

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Buses that call at this Stop

183: Bromsgrove - Lickey - Alvechurch - Redditch

202: Halesowen - Frankley - Rubery - Bromsgrove

202S: Halesowen - Cofton Park - Bromsgrove


S45: Alvechurch - South Bromsgrove High School