GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Beechfield Drive (Travelling North East) adj Bus Stop in Willowfield Drive Franche Kidderminster

The Beechfield Drive Bus Stop is located on Willowfield Drive at the crossing with Beechfield Drive in Franche which is a region of Kidderminster .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is DY10 3E, which is 17.47 metres away.

Bus Shelterno

Map of the Beechfield Drive Bus Stop


Beechfield Drive is a Bus Stop in Franche

Street:Willowfield Drive
Crossing:Beechfield Drive
Bus Stop Latitude:52.39737334
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.26020310
Bus Stop Eastings:382392
Bus Stop Northings:277738
Unitary Authority Area:Worcestershire
Region:West Midlands
Parent Locality:Kidderminster
Bus Stop NaptanCode:wocdjdj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2000G101499

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Buses that call at this Stop

829: Kidderminster - Wolverley School
