GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Telephone Exchange (Travelling North East) opposite Bus Stop in A343 The Dene Hurstbourne Tarrant

The Telephone Exchange Bus Stop is located on A343 The Dene in Hurstbourne Tarrant .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is SP11 0AG, which is 39.78 metres away.

Map of the Telephone Exchange Bus Stop


Telephone Exchange is a Bus Stop in Hurstbourne Tarrant

Street:A343 The Dene
Bus Stop Latitude:51.27756055
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.45122003
Bus Stop Eastings:438375
Bus Stop Northings:153300
Unitary Authority Area:Hampshire
Region:South West
Bus Stop NaptanCode:hamataw
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1900HA100467

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