GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Athol Cres (Travelling South) opp Bus Stop in SWAN LN Hindley Green Hindley

The Athol Cres Bus Stop is located on SWAN LN in Hindley Green which is a region of Hindley .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the Athol Cres Bus Stop


Athol Cres is a Bus Stop in Hindley Green

Street:SWAN LN
Landmark:HOUSE 116
Bus Stop Latitude:53.52694988
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.54818675
Bus Stop Eastings:363757
Bus Stop Northings:403505
Unitary Authority Area:Greater Manchester
Region:North West
Parent Locality:Hindley
Bus Stop NaptanCode:MANTAWJ
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1800WK36041

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