GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Piggott St (Travelling West) opp Bus Stop in BUCKLEY LN New Bury Farnworth

The Piggott St Bus Stop is located on BUCKLEY LN in New Bury which is a region of Farnworth .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is BL4 9PH, which is 27.37 metres away.

Map of the Piggott St Bus Stop

Piggott St Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Piggott St is a Bus Stop in New Bury

Landmark:HOUSE 201
Bus Stop Latitude:53.54121037
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.40761238
Bus Stop Eastings:373085
Bus Stop Northings:405029
Unitary Authority Area:Greater Manchester
Region:North West
Parent Locality:Farnworth
Bus Stop NaptanCode:MANPGPT
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1800WA41921

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Buses that call at this Stop

940: Pendlebury - St James' C of E High School

940: Pendlebury - St James' C of E High School

939: St James' Church of England High School - Ringley Bridge
