GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Fretherne Bridge (Travelling South East) before Bus Stop in Arlingham Road Frampton on Severn

The Fretherne Bridge Bus Stop is located on Arlingham Road in Frampton on Severn .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is GL2 7HE, which is 174.35 metres away.

Map of the Fretherne Bridge Bus Stop

Fretherne Bridge Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Fretherne Bridge is a Bus Stop in Frampton on Severn

Street:Arlingham Road
Bus Stop Latitude:51.77455367
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.36972359
Bus Stop Eastings:374587
Bus Stop Northings:208496
Unitary Authority Area:Gloucestershire
Region:South West
Bus Stop NaptanCode:gloapga
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1600GLA36660

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Buses that call at this Stop

113A: Arlingham - Fretherne - Frampton on Severn - Saul - Elmore - Gloucester

242: Arlingham - Stonehouse - Stroud
