GeoPunk Bus Timetables

War Memorial (Travelling North East) by Bus Stop in Lower Swell

The War Memorial Bus Stop in Lower Swell .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is GL54 2H, which is 82.76 metres away.

Bus Shelteryes

Map of the War Memorial Bus Stop


War Memorial is a Bus Stop in Lower Swell

Bus Stop Latitude:51.92805607
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.74895917
Bus Stop Eastings:417359
Bus Stop Northings:225534
Unitary Authority Area:Gloucestershire
Region:South West
Bus Stop NaptanCode:glogjaj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1600GL3095

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Buses that call at this Stop

V21: Oddington - Stow - Bourton - Burford - Witney

V22: Oddingtons - Stow - Swells - Moreton in Marsh - Chipping Norton

V6: Broadwell - Stow - Kingham - Bledington - Stow - Swells - Stow


V6: Broadwell - Stow - Kingham - Bledington - Stow - Swells - Stow