The Northville Drive Bus Stop is located on Carlton Avenue at the crossing with Westbourne Grove in Prittlewell which is a region of Southend-on-Sea .
The nearest post code to this bus stop is SS0 0QT, which is 36.31 metres away.
Northville Drive is a Bus Stop in Prittlewell
Street: | Carlton Avenue |
Crossing: | Westbourne Grove |
Town: | Southend-on-Sea |
Bus Stop Latitude: | 51.55685271 |
Bus Stop Longitude: | 0.68191328 |
Bus Stop Eastings: | 586014 |
Bus Stop Northings: | 187627 |
Unitary Authority Area: | Southend on Sea |
Region: | South East |
Indicator: | W-bound |
Bearing: | W |
Parent Locality: | Southend-on-Sea |
Bus Stop NaptanCode: | soadadj |
Bus Stop AtcoCode: | 15800514 |
Clustered On-Street Bus Stops
Next Stop | Stop H, Southend Hospital North, Carlton Avenue, Prittlewell |
Previous Stop | opp, Bridgwater Drive, Southbourne Grove, Prittlewell |
Days | Monday Tuesday Thursday | Wednesday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Thursday | Wednesday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Thursday | Wednesday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Thursday | Wednesday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Thursday | Wednesday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Thursday | Wednesday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Thursday | Wednesday Friday | Saturday | Saturday | Saturday |
Times | 9:01 | 9:01 | 9:00 | 10:01 | 10:01 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 11:00 | 11:01 | 12:00 | 12:00 | 12:01 | 13:00 | 13:00 | 13:01 | 14:00 | 14:00 | 14:01 | 15:06 | 15:06 | 15:01 | 16:01 | 17:01 |
Notes |