GeoPunk Bus Timetables

High School (Travelling West) o/s Bus Stop in Audley End Rd Saffron Walden

The High School Bus Stop is located on Audley End Rd in Saffron Walden .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is CB11 4J, which is 87.42 metres away.

Map of the High School Bus Stop


High School is a Bus Stop in Saffron Walden

Street:Audley End Rd
Town:Saffron Walden
Bus Stop Latitude:52.01782051
Bus Stop Longitude:0.23163345
Bus Stop Eastings:553234
Bus Stop Northings:237839
Unitary Authority Area:Essex
Region:South East
Bus Stop NaptanCode:esxdmdg
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1500IM310B

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Buses that call at this Stop

321: Haverhill - Steeple Bumpstead - Radwinter - Saffron Walden - Audley End (- Newport)
