The Redhill Drive Bus Stop is located on Redhill Drive in Redhill which is a region of Bournemouth .
The nearest post code to this bus stop is BH10 6A, which is 19.70 metres away.
Redhill Drive is a Bus Stop in Redhill
Street: | Redhill Drive |
Bus Stop Latitude: | 50.75945742 |
Bus Stop Longitude: | -1.88047343 |
Bus Stop Eastings: | 408527 |
Bus Stop Northings: | 95547 |
Unitary Authority Area: | Bournemouth |
Region: | South West |
Indicator: | o/s 50 |
Bearing: | SW |
Parent Locality: | Bournemouth |
Bus Stop NaptanCode: | boudaga |
Bus Stop AtcoCode: | 1290WDY38477 |
Next Stop | SW-bound, Pine Vale Crescent, Redhill Drive, Redhill |
Previous Stop | SW-bound, Headswell Avenue, Redhill Drive, Redhill |
Days | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday |
Times | 10:23 | 10:23 | 13:23 | 13:23 |
Notes |