GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Shelley Close (Travelling East) E-bound Bus Stop in Shelley Hill Friars Cliff Christchurch

The Shelley Close Bus Stop is located on Shelley Hill in Friars Cliff which is a region of Christchurch .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is BH23 4S, which is 89.67 metres away.

Seating / Benchno
Rubbish Binno
Bus Shelteryes

Map of the Shelley Close Bus Stop


Shelley Close is a Bus Stop in Friars Cliff

Street:Shelley Hill
Bus Stop Latitude:50.73971945
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.72615183
Bus Stop Eastings:419420
Bus Stop Northings:93381
Unitary Authority Area:Dorset
Region:South West
Parent Locality:Christchurch
Bus Stop NaptanCode:dordjwj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1200POA10997

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Buses that call at this Stop

788: Walkford - Bournemouth Grammar Schools

788: Walkford - Bournemouth Grammar Schools

C20: Bransgore - Highcliffe - Milford on Sea - Lymington - Brockenhurst College
