GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Thornbury Road (Travelling North West) NW-bound Bus Stop in Thornbury Road Estover Plymouth

The Thornbury Road Bus Stop is located on Thornbury Road in Estover which is a region of Plymouth .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is PL1 3QY, which is 8.71 metres away.

Map of the Thornbury Road Bus Stop


Thornbury Road is a Bus Stop in Estover

Street:Thornbury Road
Bus Stop Latitude:50.41827650
Bus Stop Longitude:-4.09586159
Bus Stop Eastings:251201
Bus Stop Northings:59701
Unitary Authority Area:Plymouth
Region:South West
Parent Locality:Plymouth
Bus Stop NaptanCode:plypjaw
Bus Stop AtcoCode:1180PLA88901

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Buses that call at this Stop

34: Plymouth City Centre - Devonport - Milehouse - Derriford Hospital - Estover Ind Est - The George P&R

34: Plymouth City Centre - Devonport - Milehouse - Derriford Hospital - Estover Ind Est - The George P&R
