The Churchill Road Bus Stop is located on Churchill Road in Brixington which is a region of Exmouth .
The nearest post code to this bus stop is EX8 4LG, which is 27.63 metres away.
Churchill Road is a Bus Stop in Brixington
Street: | Churchill Road |
Bus Stop Latitude: | 50.63681239 |
Bus Stop Longitude: | -3.39059499 |
Bus Stop Eastings: | 301758 |
Bus Stop Northings: | 82825 |
Unitary Authority Area: | Devon |
Region: | South West |
Indicator: | SE-bound |
Bearing: | SE |
Parent Locality: | Exmouth |
Bus Stop NaptanCode: | dvndwgj |
Bus Stop AtcoCode: | 1100DEZ05235 |
Next Stop | opp, Farmhouse Inn, Churchill Road, Brixington |
Previous Stop | E-bound, Cliston Avenue, Birchwood Road, Brixington |
Days | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Saturday |
Times | 9:32 | 10:32 | 11:32 | 12:32 | 13:32 | 14:32 | 15:32 | 16:32 | 17:32 | 18:32 | 18:32 | 18:32 | 19:32 | 19:32 | 19:32 | 20:32 | 20:32 | 20:32 | 21:32 | 21:32 | 21:32 | 22:32 | 22:32 | 22:32 | 23:32 | 23:32 |
Notes |