GeoPunk Bus Timetables

St John Turning (Travelling North East) NE-bound Bus Stop in B3247 St John

The St John Turning Bus Stop is located on B3247 in St John .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is PL11 3A, which is 47.47 metres away.

Map of the St John Turning Bus Stop


St John Turning is a Bus Stop in St John

Bus Stop Latitude:50.35450013
Bus Stop Longitude:-4.24039802
Bus Stop Eastings:240720
Bus Stop Northings:52910
Unitary Authority Area:Cornwall
Region:South West
Bus Stop NaptanCode:cordwmd
Bus Stop AtcoCode:0800COB20054

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Buses that call at this Stop

70: Plymouth - Torpoint - HMS Raleigh - Cawsand - Millbrook - Cremyll

70A: Plymouth - Torpoint - HMS Raleigh - Cawsand - Cremyll
