GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Curzon Drive (Travelling South East) SE-bound Bus Stop in Witherwin Avenue Grappenhall Heys Grappenhall

The Curzon Drive Bus Stop is located on Witherwin Avenue at the crossing with Curzon Drive in Grappenhall Heys which is a region of Grappenhall .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is WA4 3TD, which is 62.68 metres away.

Map of the Curzon Drive Bus Stop


Curzon Drive is a Bus Stop in Grappenhall Heys

Street:Witherwin Avenue
Crossing:Curzon Drive
Bus Stop Latitude:53.36255299
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.55300079
Bus Stop Eastings:363296
Bus Stop Northings:385218
Unitary Authority Area:Warrington
Region:North West
Parent Locality:Grappenhall
Bus Stop NaptanCode:wrgawda
Bus Stop AtcoCode:0690WNA02872

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Buses that call at this Stop

42: Grappenhall Heys - Appleton Thorn - Grappenhall - Lymm, Oughtrington Lane
