GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Knottingley Drive (Travelling South West) cnr Bus Stop in Wetherby Way Little Sutton Ellesmere Port

The Knottingley Drive Bus Stop is located on Wetherby Way at the crossing with Knottingley Drive in Little Sutton which is a region of Ellesmere Port .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is CH66 4S, which is 42.34 metres away.

Map of the Knottingley Drive Bus Stop

Knottingley Drive Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Knottingley Drive is a Bus Stop in Little Sutton

Street:Wetherby Way
Crossing:Knottingley Drive
Landmark:House number 25
Bus Stop Latitude:53.27963077
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.94281782
Bus Stop Eastings:337233
Bus Stop Northings:376265
Unitary Authority Area:Cheshire West & Chester
Region:North West
Parent Locality:Ellesmere Port
Bus Stop NaptanCode:CHWATJM
Bus Stop AtcoCode:0610EP1217

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Buses that call at this Stop

359: Ellesmere Port Bus Interchange Stand H - Neston, Brook Street, Tesco
