GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Brinklow Roundabout North (Travelling South) Southbound Bus Stop in Tongwell Street V11 Brinklow Milton Keynes

The Brinklow Roundabout North Bus Stop is located on Tongwell Street V11 in Brinklow which is a region of Milton Keynes .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is MK45 1F, which is 66.88 metres away.

Map of the Brinklow Roundabout North Bus Stop


Brinklow Roundabout North is a Bus Stop in Brinklow

Street:Tongwell Street V11
Landmark:Standing Way H8
Town:Milton Keynes
Bus Stop Latitude:52.03472033
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.69141726
Bus Stop Eastings:489863
Bus Stop Northings:238176
Unitary Authority Area:Milton Keynes
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Milton Keynes
Bus Stop NaptanCode:mltgdad
Bus Stop AtcoCode:049004715142

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Buses that call at this Stop

134: Milton Keynes - Woburn Sands - Flitwick
