GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Downs Park (Travelling South East) adj Bus Stop in The Pastures Downley High Wycombe

The Downs Park Bus Stop is located on The Pastures in Downley which is a region of High Wycombe .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is HP13 5L, which is 64.79 metres away.

Map of the Downs Park Bus Stop

Downs Park Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Downs Park is a Bus Stop in Downley

Street:The Pastures
Landmark:Downs Park
Bus Stop Latitude:51.64227945
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.77150667
Bus Stop Eastings:485105
Bus Stop Northings:194434
Unitary Authority Area:Buckinghamshire
Region:South East
Parent Locality:High Wycombe
Bus Stop NaptanCode:bucdjpt
Bus Stop AtcoCode:040000003084

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Buses that call at this Stop

5: Desborough Avenue - Sir William Ramsay School

654: Rgs - Downley - W.wycombe - Bledlow Ridge

130D: Princes Risborough School - Downley (The Pastures)
