GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Woodside Way (Travelling North East) opp Bus Stop in Whitley Wood Road Whitley Wood Reading

The Woodside Way Bus Stop is located on Whitley Wood Road in Whitley Wood which is a region of Reading .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is RG2 8LB, which is 35.33 metres away.

Map of the Woodside Way Bus Stop


Woodside Way is a Bus Stop in Whitley Wood

Street:Whitley Wood Road
Landmark:adj Southglade
Bus Stop Latitude:51.41973445
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.95761017
Bus Stop Eastings:472580
Bus Stop Northings:169484
Unitary Authority Area:Reading
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Reading
Bus Stop NaptanCode:rdgdtpj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:039027820001

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