GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Church End Lane (Travelling West) W-bound Bus Stop in Norcot Road Norcot Tilehurst

The Church End Lane Bus Stop is located on Norcot Road in Norcot which is a region of Tilehurst .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is RG30 4UT, which is 119.57 metres away.

Map of the Church End Lane Bus Stop


Church End Lane is a Bus Stop in Norcot

Street:Norcot Road
Landmark:Church End Lane
Bus Stop Latitude:51.45890155
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.02756421
Bus Stop Eastings:467658
Bus Stop Northings:173773
Unitary Authority Area:Reading
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Tilehurst
Bus Stop NaptanCode:rdgajtm
Bus Stop AtcoCode:039025580001

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Buses that call at this Stop

17: Wokingham Road (Three Tuns) - Tilehurst (Water Tower) via Cemetery Junction, Central Reading, Oxford Road
