GeoPunk Bus Timetables

TVSP Gateway (Travelling North East) adj Bus Stop in Unmarked Road Shinfield

The TVSP Gateway Bus Stop is located on Unmarked Road in Shinfield .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is RG2 9LH, which is 104.18 metres away.

Map of the TVSP Gateway Bus Stop


TVSP Gateway is a Bus Stop in Shinfield

Street:Unmarked Road
Landmark:TVSP Gateway Building
Bus Stop Latitude:51.41443733
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.94046051
Bus Stop Eastings:473781
Bus Stop Northings:168912
Unitary Authority Area:Wokingham
Region:South East
Bus Stop NaptanCode:wokgtwm
Bus Stop AtcoCode:035059750001

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Buses that call at this Stop

600: Reading - TVSP/Swallowfield/Riseley via Mereoak Park&Ride


600: Reading - TVSP/Swallowfield/Riseley via Mereoak Park&Ride