GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Theobald Drive (Travelling South East) opp Bus Stop in A329 Oxford Road Purley on Thames

The Theobald Drive Bus Stop is located on A329 Oxford Road in Purley on Thames .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is RG8 8HR, which is 114.97 metres away.

Map of the Theobald Drive Bus Stop


Theobald Drive is a Bus Stop in Purley on Thames

Street:A329 Oxford Road
Landmark:Theobald Drive
Bus Stop Latitude:51.47563598
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.04185221
Bus Stop Eastings:466641
Bus Stop Northings:175621
Unitary Authority Area:West Berkshire
Region:South East
Bus Stop NaptanCode:brkdmtw
Bus Stop AtcoCode:030056220002

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