GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Bilberry Road (Travelling North West) opp Bus Stop in Stockbridge Road Clifton

The Bilberry Road Bus Stop is located on Stockbridge Road at the crossing with Bilberry Road in Clifton .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is SG17 5HZ, which is 53.83 metres away.

Map of the Bilberry Road Bus Stop


Bilberry Road is a Bus Stop in Clifton

Street:Stockbridge Road
Crossing:Bilberry Road
Bus Stop Latitude:52.03891701
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.29719813
Bus Stop Eastings:516893
Bus Stop Northings:239203
Unitary Authority Area:Central Bedfordshire
Region:South East
Bus Stop NaptanCode:ahlagpd
Bus Stop AtcoCode:021022036

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Buses that call at this Stop

W7: Meppershall - Shefford - Clifton - Henlow - Arlesey - Letchworth
