GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Park Row (Travelling West) U5 Bus Stop in B4051 Bristol City Centre Bristol

The Park Row Bus Stop is located on B4051 in Bristol City Centre which is a region of Bristol .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is BS9 4TE, which is 81.91 metres away.

Seating / Benchno
Rubbish Binno
Bus Shelterno

Map of the Park Row Bus Stop


Park Row is a Bus Stop in Bristol City Centre

Bus Stop Latitude:51.45539604
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.60034933
Bus Stop Eastings:358383
Bus Stop Northings:173106
Unitary Authority Area:Bristol
Region:South West
Parent Locality:Bristol
Bus Stop NaptanCode:bstdtwp
Bus Stop AtcoCode:0100BRP90268

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