Information for Pintail Avenue within the council area of Cornwall

Pintail Avenue

Pintail Avenue is a road within the area of Cornwall council within the Postcode district

Map of Pintail Avenue

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Known Postcodes for Pintail Avenue

Postcodes Near Pintail Avenue

Place of Worship near Pintail Avenue

Gwithian Methodist Church is 6430.37 metres away
Gwithian Parish Church is 6487.83 metres away

Shops near Pintail Avenue

Boots is 3834.19 metres away
Island Shop is 7002.01 metres away
Weighbridge Office is 9249.51 metres away
Isles of Scilly Steamship Company is 9274.82 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Pintail Avenue

Old Quay House is 471.05 metres away
The Bluff Inn is 2354.99 metres away
Balnoon Inn is 3608.06 metres away
The Ferrets is 4569.16 metres away
Red River Inn is 6386.27 metres away
Sandsifter is 7047.39 metres away

Takeaways near Pintail Avenue

Sanders Fish & Chips is 1864.08 metres away
Top Chippy is 2544.58 metres away
McDonald's is 3998.90 metres away
KFC is 7352.15 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Pintail Avenue

Beachcomer is 2720.91 metres away
Brewers Fayre is 4077.97 metres away
Pizza Express is 4703.03 metres away
The Reef is 4731.08 metres away
Beach Restaurant is 4801.86 metres away
Porthgwidden Beach Cafe Bar is 4907.90 metres away

Supermarkets near Pintail Avenue

Tesco is 3040.45 metres away
LIDL is 3768.42 metres away
Tesco is 8050.35 metres away
Tesco Express is 9184.76 metres away

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