Second Drove
Second Drove is a road
within the area of Sedgemoor District council within the Postcode district
Map of Second Drove
The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.
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Postcodes Near Second Drove
Place of Worship near Second Drove |
Church of the Holy Cross is 2366.99 metres away |
St. Andrews is 3342.50 metres away |
St Michael's Church is 4194.81 metres away |
St Peter and St John's Church is 5999.32 metres away |
St Gregory's Church is 6943.73 metres away |
Stoke St Gregory Baptist Church is 7044.08 metres away |
Shops near Second Drove |
Pynes of Somerset is 9917.21 metres away |
Public Houses (Pubs) near Second Drove |
The George Inn is 2111.97 metres away |
The King Alfred is 4226.58 metres away |
Thatchers Arms is 6728.67 metres away |
The Royal Oak is 6947.85 metres away |
the Olive Mill is 7479.36 metres away |
Boat and Anchor is 8766.44 metres away |
Takeaways near Second Drove |
McDonald's is 8831.18 metres away |
Parkway Fish Bar is 9779.86 metres away |
Cafes and Restaurants near Second Drove |
Parkway Kitchen is 9799.74 metres away |
Supermarkets near Second Drove |
Tesco Metro is 5641.01 metres away |
Lidl is 8737.43 metres away |
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