Information for Shedrick Hill within the council area of Dorset

Shedrick Hill

Shedrick Hill is a road within the area of Dorset council within the Postcode district

Map of Shedrick Hill

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Postcodes Near Shedrick Hill

Place of Worship near Shedrick Hill

St Mary is 4097.56 metres away
St Andrew is 4868.17 metres away
St John the Baptist is 5889.93 metres away
St John the Baptist is 6384.81 metres away
St Mary is 7889.37 metres away
St Leonard is 7955.36 metres away

Shops near Shedrick Hill

Broadwindsor Community Stores is 6293.13 metres away
The Broadwindsor Craft and Design Centre is 6646.75 metres away
Fox & Sons is 7787.90 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Shedrick Hill

White Lion is 6388.79 metres away
The Swan Inn is 7776.31 metres away

Takeaways near Shedrick Hill

Golden River is 7854.09 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Shedrick Hill

The Lordleaze Hotel is 5457.19 metres away
Broadwindsor Club is 6438.61 metres away
Tucker's Fish & Chips is 7865.90 metres away

Supermarkets near Shedrick Hill

Tesco is 6119.15 metres away
LIDL is 6569.18 metres away
Waitrose is 7810.39 metres away
LIDL is 7827.86 metres away
Tesco is 9463.91 metres away

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