Information for Holly Grove within the council area of South Somerset District

Holly Grove

Holly Grove is a road within the area of South Somerset District council within the Postcode district

Map of Holly Grove

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Known Postcodes for Holly Grove

Place of Worship near Holly Grove

St Leonard is 2345.84 metres away
St Michael's is 2453.13 metres away
St Mary is 4998.10 metres away
St Mary is 6049.31 metres away
St John the Baptist is 7827.71 metres away
St Andrew is 7915.66 metres away

Shops near Holly Grove

Fox & Sons is 896.27 metres away
Broadwindsor Community Stores is 7839.49 metres away
The Broadwindsor Craft and Design Centre is 8020.36 metres away
Rose and Crown is 8186.34 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Holly Grove

The Swan Inn is 906.87 metres away
the Hollies is 7685.14 metres away
White Lion is 7904.49 metres away

Takeaways near Holly Grove

Golden River is 824.79 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Holly Grove

Tucker's Fish & Chips is 819.37 metres away
Broadwindsor Club is 7881.21 metres away
Greyhound is 9695.72 metres away
Fish and Chip shop is 9700.47 metres away
Red Lion is 9716.50 metres away
Le Viex Four is 9718.40 metres away

Supermarkets near Holly Grove

LIDL is 873.57 metres away
Waitrose is 920.12 metres away
Tesco is 9421.57 metres away

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