Information for Thorney Street in London

Thorney Street

Thorney Street is a road in the settlement of London within the area of City of Westminster London Boro council within the Postcode district

Map of Thorney Street in London

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Postcodes Near Thorney Street

Place of Worship near Thorney Street

Jumu'ah Salaah. is 251.81 metres away
Jumu'ah Salaah. is 359.18 metres away
St Matthew's Church is 361.20 metres away
Westminster Abbey is 544.44 metres away
St Stephen is 586.50 metres away
Saint Margaret's Church is 601.44 metres away

Shops near Thorney Street

Crusaid is 850.25 metres away
The Roasting is 871.02 metres away
Tesco is 1205.62 metres away
Keencare Chemist is 1400.75 metres away
Sainsbury's is 1478.47 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Thorney Street

Marquis of Granby is 76.24 metres away
The Barley Mow is 316.00 metres away
The Royal Oak is 362.99 metres away
The Strutton Arms is 578.28 metres away
Morpeth Arms is 578.98 metres away
The White Swan is 595.41 metres away

Takeaways near Thorney Street

The Laughing Halibut is 517.01 metres away
SFC is 536.55 metres away
Cornish Bakehouse is 1224.83 metres away
Chicken Cottage is 1396.02 metres away
Wrap it Up! is 1520.80 metres away
ARM Chicken is 1540.37 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Thorney Street

Regency Cafe is 340.51 metres away
Ecco is 514.47 metres away
Thai House is 520.11 metres away
Tony's Cafe is 527.03 metres away
2 Amici is 645.06 metres away
Indian Diner is 652.02 metres away

Supermarkets near Thorney Street

Tesco Express is 863.63 metres away
Tesco is 1205.62 metres away
Sainsburys is 1616.94 metres away

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