Information for Woodside Avenue in London

Woodside Avenue

Woodside Avenue is a road in the settlement of London within the area of Croydon London Boro council within the Postcode district

Map of Woodside Avenue in London

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Known Postcodes for Woodside Avenue

Postcodes Near Woodside Avenue

Place of Worship near Woodside Avenue

Masjid Uthman. is 825.59 metres away
St Mark's is 866.15 metres away
Holy Innocents is 1011.24 metres away
Radha Krishna Cultural Centre is 1124.15 metres away
Radha Krishna Cultural Centre is 1124.15 metres away
St Mildred's Church is 1346.19 metres away

Shops near Woodside Avenue

Co-operative is 907.14 metres away
Station Cafe is 1369.46 metres away
Tesco is 1398.69 metres away
Sainsburys is 1517.58 metres away
Shell is 2000.09 metres away
TK Maxx is 2014.75 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Woodside Avenue

The Windmill is 1987.21 metres away
The Anerley Arms is 2399.58 metres away

Takeaways near Woodside Avenue

Bamboo is 2326.02 metres away
Patty Express is 2330.93 metres away
Anerley Chippy is 2369.53 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Woodside Avenue

Supermarkets near Woodside Avenue

Tesco is 1398.69 metres away
Sainsburys is 1517.58 metres away
Aldi is 2018.20 metres away
Tesco is 2052.60 metres away

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