Information for Hollong Park within the council area of Cornwall

Hollong Park

Hollong Park is a road within the area of Cornwall council within the Postcode district

Map of Hollong Park

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Known Postcodes for Hollong Park

Place of Worship near Hollong Park

St Dunstan is 6856.41 metres away
St Peter's Church is 6998.70 metres away
Plymouth and Cornwall Islamic Centre. is 7962.04 metres away
Minster Church of St Andrew is 8038.47 metres away
St Nicholas is 8096.76 metres away
Downderry Methodist Church is 8241.68 metres away

Shops near Hollong Park

Co-op is 6306.45 metres away
Toys R Us is 7375.02 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Hollong Park

The Ploughboy is 4801.37 metres away
Two Bridges Inn is 5060.63 metres away
The Railway Hotel is 5072.04 metres away
Union Inn is 5136.49 metres away
The Boatman is 5197.25 metres away
Rising Sun is 5536.51 metres away

Takeaways near Hollong Park

Fish & Chips is 3692.40 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Hollong Park

Saltash Leisure Centre is 4740.59 metres away
The Shop in the Square is 5780.91 metres away
The Orangery is 5793.41 metres away
Route 38 Restaurant is 8117.56 metres away

Supermarkets near Hollong Park

LIDL is 5217.83 metres away
Waitrose is 5541.33 metres away
LIDL is 6410.60 metres away
ALDI is 6900.75 metres away
LIDL is 8451.12 metres away

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