Chapel End
Map of Chapel End in Croughton
The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.
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Postcodes Near Chapel End
Place of Worship near Chapel End |
Saint Michaels is 2901.20 metres away |
Saint Mary the Virgin is 5111.53 metres away |
Saint Mary is 5276.91 metres away |
Saint Peter is 5765.16 metres away |
Holy Trinity is 6043.63 metres away |
Saint Michael and All Angels is 6224.20 metres away |
Public Houses (Pubs) near Chapel End |
The Fox is 5058.67 metres away |
The New Locomotive is 5076.84 metres away |
Rumours is 5098.74 metres away |
The Duke of Cumberlands Head is 5568.68 metres away |
The Fox Inn is 6089.51 metres away |
The Red Lion is 7137.31 metres away |
Takeaways near Chapel End |
China Cottage is 5162.60 metres away |
Poran Tandoori is 5355.37 metres away |
Cafes and Restaurants near Chapel End |
Dhan Shiri is 5126.85 metres away |
Chilli & Pepper is 5137.52 metres away |
Courtyard Coffee House is 5274.75 metres away |
eat at 23 is 5297.84 metres away |
Supermarkets near Chapel End |
Tesco is 4893.47 metres away |
Waitrose is 5175.05 metres away |
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