Balfron Gardens
Map of Balfron Gardens in Nottingham
The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.
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Known Postcodes for Balfron Gardens
Postcodes Near Balfron Gardens
Place of Worship near Balfron Gardens |
Saint George's Church is 150.76 metres away |
Our Lady and St Patrick is 248.37 metres away |
Pilgrim Church is 357.70 metres away |
The Church of God is 519.81 metres away |
Salvation Army in the Meadows Prayer and Communi is 672.31 metres away |
Bridgeway Hall Methodist Mission is 682.26 metres away |
Shops near Balfron Gardens |
Harveys is 357.36 metres away |
Pets at Home is 365.07 metres away |
Plumb Center is 380.25 metres away |
DFS is 383.39 metres away |
Betta Living is 385.73 metres away |
Wren Living is 387.95 metres away |
Public Houses (Pubs) near Balfron Gardens |
The Vat and Fiddle is 580.23 metres away |
Navigation Inn is 645.78 metres away |
The Waterfront is 727.43 metres away |
Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem is 770.00 metres away |
Canalhouse is 776.69 metres away |
Riverway is 853.71 metres away |
Takeaways near Balfron Gardens |
Bridge Sandwich Bar is 480.62 metres away |
McDonald's is 573.95 metres away |
Tasty Bitez is 707.66 metres away |
Cafes and Restaurants near Balfron Gardens |
Harvester Castle Marina is 590.80 metres away |
Pizza Hut is 766.57 metres away |
The Boathouse is 775.54 metres away |
Pumpkin is 886.86 metres away |
Bombay Delight is 960.56 metres away |
Supermarkets near Balfron Gardens |
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