Poplar Avenue
Map of Poplar Avenue in Dinnington
The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.
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Known Postcodes for Poplar Avenue
Postcodes Near Poplar Avenue
Place of Worship near Poplar Avenue |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day is 4300.49 metres away |
Ponteland Methodist Church is 4424.55 metres away |
St. Mary the Virgin is 4483.99 metres away |
Church of St John the Evangelist is 4683.65 metres away |
St. Matthew's Catholic Church is 4884.82 metres away |
St. Mary the Virgin is 5998.39 metres away |
Shops near Poplar Avenue |
Nisa local Skyway Filling Station is 3296.73 metres away |
Sainsbury's is 4319.95 metres away |
Marks and Spencer Simply Food is 5963.41 metres away |
Maplin Electronics is 5993.46 metres away |
Currys PC World is 6002.81 metres away |
Dunelm (Soft Furnishings) Limited is 6018.06 metres away |
Public Houses (Pubs) near Poplar Avenue |
The Badger is 3569.60 metres away |
Falcons Nest is 3650.52 metres away |
Diamond Inn is 4439.25 metres away |
Snowy Owl is 4477.85 metres away |
Blackbird Inn is 4538.35 metres away |
Seven Stars is 4572.91 metres away |
Takeaways near Poplar Avenue |
McDonald's is 3686.56 metres away |
McDonald's is 5964.62 metres away |
High Pit Kebabs is 7134.92 metres away |
Clifton Fisheries is 7139.06 metres away |
Klondyke Chineese food to take away is 7143.19 metres away |
Cafes and Restaurants near Poplar Avenue |
Little Chef is 2730.59 metres away |
Rialto is 4486.47 metres away |
Lal Qila is 6496.46 metres away |
Panucci's Restaurant is 6535.11 metres away |
Amici Restaurante is 7718.90 metres away |
Char Mausum is 7870.02 metres away |
Supermarkets near Poplar Avenue |
Waitrose is 4630.78 metres away |
Tesco Extra Kingston Park is 4656.46 metres away |
ASDA is 5284.50 metres away |
ASDA is 5716.67 metres away |
Tesco Express is 6002.52 metres away |
Asda Cramlington is 6184.80 metres away |
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