Greens School Lane
Map of Greens School Lane in Aldershot
The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.
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Postcodes Near Greens School Lane
Place of Worship near Greens School Lane |
Our Lady & St Dominic is 184.55 metres away |
St Peters Church is 1066.24 metres away |
St Peter's is 2842.40 metres away |
Our Lady Queen of Heaven is 2863.23 metres away |
Gurkha Temple is 4281.45 metres away |
St Michael's Church is 4675.22 metres away |
Shops near Greens School Lane |
Pizza Town is 4727.50 metres away |
Moonlight Chinese Takeaway is 4734.26 metres away |
The Atrium is 4838.17 metres away |
American Golf is 6980.86 metres away |
Bourne Mill Antique Centre is 8440.96 metres away |
Vale Furnishings is 8870.34 metres away |
Public Houses (Pubs) near Greens School Lane |
The Tilly Shilling is 578.16 metres away |
Ham & Blackbird is 779.37 metres away |
The Swan is 1529.02 metres away |
Potter's Inn is 3222.49 metres away |
The Bell is 4783.63 metres away |
The Ely is 5150.27 metres away |
Takeaways near Greens School Lane |
McDonald's is 1896.83 metres away |
Cafes and Restaurants near Greens School Lane |
Costa Coffee is 1852.24 metres away |
Harvester is 2822.47 metres away |
Aroma Sandwich Bar is 4831.24 metres away |
Subway is 4997.55 metres away |
Mimosa is 4998.72 metres away |
Frankie & Benny's is 5001.43 metres away |
Supermarkets near Greens School Lane |
Waitrose is 2621.70 metres away |
Sainsburys Watchmoor Park is 3139.01 metres away |
LIDL is 3324.81 metres away |
LIDL is 4055.06 metres away |
Aldi is 4153.83 metres away |
Tesco Extra is 4544.08 metres away |
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