Information for Banks Way in London

Banks Way

Banks Way is a road in the settlement of London within the area of Newham London Boro council within the Postcode district

Map of Banks Way in London

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

Find Hotels and Places to Stay Near Banks Way

Place of Worship near Banks Way

Shah Jalal Mosque. is 767.43 metres away
Darus Salaam Masjid. is 796.26 metres away
Ilford C�mii ve Islam K�lt�r Merkezi. is 818.35 metres away
Ilford Islamic Centre. is 874.08 metres away
Church Road Masjid. is 957.61 metres away
Durga Mandir is 967.08 metres away

Shops near Banks Way

The White Horse (closed) is 1848.49 metres away
To To Kitchen is 1864.29 metres away
Bonfire is 1867.13 metres away
Pizza Coco is 1867.83 metres away
Chick 'n' Rice is 1870.70 metres away
Gurkha's Namaste is 1871.44 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Banks Way

The Spotted Dog is 1883.41 metres away
Kings Lounge is 1913.10 metres away

Takeaways near Banks Way

Cafes and Restaurants near Banks Way

Supermarkets near Banks Way

Tesco is 1877.87 metres away

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