Lister Avenue
Map of Lister Avenue in Doncaster
The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.
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Known Postcodes for Lister Avenue
Postcodes Near Lister Avenue
Place of Worship near Lister Avenue |
Doncaster Jamia Mosque. is 1106.42 metres away |
Priory Place Methodist Church is 1438.56 metres away |
Christ Church is 1862.95 metres away |
Jamia Sultania. is 2069.84 metres away |
Cantley Methodist Church is 4529.97 metres away |
St. Paul's R.C Church is 4636.98 metres away |
Shops near Lister Avenue |
Weldricks is 4557.67 metres away |
Public Houses (Pubs) near Lister Avenue |
the Plough Inn is 1368.98 metres away |
Paris Gate is 1379.17 metres away |
Walkabout is 1490.97 metres away |
The Cheswold is 2689.33 metres away |
Cumberland is 3339.23 metres away |
Punch's Hotel is 4326.82 metres away |
Takeaways near Lister Avenue |
McDonald's is 1394.82 metres away |
Burger King is 1439.56 metres away |
Fish Bits is 4812.60 metres away |
Bella Pizza is 4829.41 metres away |
Cafes and Restaurants near Lister Avenue |
Frankie & Benny's is 2618.09 metres away |
Supermarkets near Lister Avenue |
Tesco is 1733.09 metres away |
Tesco Extra is 2232.33 metres away |
ASDA is 2904.37 metres away |
ASDA Distribution is 7962.84 metres away |
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