Information for Cherry Grove within the council area of Tendring District

Cherry Grove

Cherry Grove is a road within the area of Tendring District council within the Postcode district

Map of Cherry Grove

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

Find Hotels and Places to Stay Near Cherry Grove

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Place of Worship near Cherry Grove

St James' Church is 1142.63 metres away
Brightlingsea New Church is 1181.24 metres away
St Sabina is 1419.04 metres away
SS Peter and Paul St Osyth Parish Church is 3979.26 metres away
St Osyth Methodist Church is 4128.60 metres away

Shops near Cherry Grove

Little Diner Cafe is 20.93 metres away
The Coach House is 570.80 metres away
The Waterside Fish & Chips is 574.65 metres away
Dragon 8 is 589.95 metres away
Kovalam is 607.80 metres away
Global Trade Partners is 624.68 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Cherry Grove

Ferry Boat Inn is 51.89 metres away
Yachtsman's Arms is 603.63 metres away
The Famous Railway Tavern is 918.23 metres away
Freemasons Arms is 1041.07 metres away
Brewers Arms is 1097.90 metres away
The Kings Head is 1133.49 metres away

Takeaways near Cherry Grove

Cafes and Restaurants near Cherry Grove

The Movie House is 1104.62 metres away
Tudor Restaurant is 1140.85 metres away
Hasten's Restaurant is 3700.90 metres away

Supermarkets near Cherry Grove

Tesco Express is 1149.43 metres away

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