Crib Y Gwynt
Map of Crib Y Gwynt in Trelogan
The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.
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Postcodes Near Crib Y Gwynt
Place of Worship near Crib Y Gwynt |
Church of St Asaph and St Kentigern is 1848.93 metres away |
St Mary Magdalene is 4394.03 metres away |
Trinity Methodist Church is 5514.96 metres away |
Meliden Parish Church is 5607.62 metres away |
Parish Church of Saints Mael & Sulien is 5733.70 metres away |
Christ Church is 5793.14 metres away |
Shops near Crib Y Gwynt |
Lloyds Pharmacy is 5960.28 metres away |
Castle Pharmacy is 9537.68 metres away |
Public Houses (Pubs) near Crib Y Gwynt |
Eagle and Child Inn is 4484.74 metres away |
Bar 236 is 5633.68 metres away |
The Blue Lion is 5782.10 metres away |
Y-Bodunig is 5946.54 metres away |
Red Lion is 6229.49 metres away |
Tafarn Newydd / New Inn is 6240.40 metres away |
Takeaways near Crib Y Gwynt |
Bangla Fusion is 5926.21 metres away |
NG is 6600.42 metres away |
Cafes and Restaurants near Crib Y Gwynt |
Little Teapot Cafe is 4253.61 metres away |
Rozi's Tandoori is 5657.92 metres away |
Yeung Sing Takeaway is 5670.67 metres away |
Costa Coffee is 6055.70 metres away |
Suhail Tandoori is 6286.62 metres away |
La Freccia is 7662.63 metres away |
Supermarkets near Crib Y Gwynt |
Aldi is 5694.60 metres away |
Tesco Petrol Station is 6113.54 metres away |
Tesco is 7895.52 metres away |
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