Information for Yelverton Road in Birkenhead

Yelverton Road

Yelverton Road is a road in the settlement of Birkenhead within the area of Wirral District (B) council within the Postcode district

Map of Yelverton Road in Birkenhead

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Known Postcodes for Yelverton Road

Postcodes Near Yelverton Road

Place of Worship near Yelverton Road

St Paul's church is 709.54 metres away
Wirral Islamic Cultural Centre and Shah Jalal Mosque. is 988.26 metres away
St Anne's Catholic Church is 1153.19 metres away
St Werburgh's is 1347.41 metres away
Highfield Church is 1532.90 metres away
Saint Peter's is 1772.50 metres away

Shops near Yelverton Road

Bookers is 811.09 metres away
Marriott Motorcycles is 1233.98 metres away
Netto is 1265.16 metres away
Pyramids Shopping Centre is 1310.04 metres away
The Europa Centre is 1570.73 metres away
Walkers Carpets Superstore is 2537.20 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Yelverton Road

Caernarfon Castle is 1897.69 metres away
Baltic Fleet is 3455.43 metres away
Brown Cow is 3663.14 metres away
Kazimier is 4013.05 metres away
The Beehive is 4029.02 metres away
Eagle and Crown is 4900.98 metres away

Takeaways near Yelverton Road

McDonald's is 4015.19 metres away
McDonald's is 5249.42 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Yelverton Road

Costa is 3936.57 metres away
Wong's is 4008.40 metres away

Supermarkets near Yelverton Road

Aldi is 2638.54 metres away
ASDA is 3511.89 metres away
Tesco Extra is 4132.76 metres away
Tesco Metro is 4252.89 metres away
Tesco Express is 4745.40 metres away
Tesco Homeplus is 5076.43 metres away

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