Information for Bourton Lane within the council area of North Somerset

Bourton Lane

Bourton Lane is a road within the area of North Somerset council within the Postcode district

Map of Bourton Lane

The Blue Map Markers Represent Postcode Locations, Click on them for details of the postcode.

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Known Postcodes for Bourton Lane

Place of Worship near Bourton Lane

Worle Baptist Church is 1239.95 metres away
St Mark's Church is 1688.91 metres away
St. Martin's Church is 2525.28 metres away
Seventh-Day Aventist Church is 3042.83 metres away
Milton Baptist Church is 3586.78 metres away
Parish Church of St. Augustine is 4346.84 metres away

Shops near Bourton Lane

Tesco Express is 1221.40 metres away
Locking Pharmacy is 4214.60 metres away
Jewsons is 6977.51 metres away
Halfords is 7007.87 metres away
Staddons is 7033.04 metres away
Londis is 7255.92 metres away

Public Houses (Pubs) near Bourton Lane

Woolpack Inn is 1125.26 metres away
Observatory is 1190.37 metres away
Parish Pump is 1265.62 metres away
The Summerhouse is 1488.04 metres away
The Ebdon Arms is 1553.27 metres away
The Manor is 2445.84 metres away

Takeaways near Bourton Lane

McDonald's is 1230.02 metres away
Lucky Chinese Takeaway is 4222.06 metres away
Pizza Hut is 5316.98 metres away
McDonald's is 5396.26 metres away
Hutton Chinese Takeaway is 5553.00 metres away
Tastes Good is 5811.38 metres away

Cafes and Restaurants near Bourton Lane

The Landing Light is 3932.84 metres away
Copper Kettle is 5801.02 metres away
Tutto is 6412.29 metres away
Victorian Cafe is 6467.44 metres away

Supermarkets near Bourton Lane

Tesco Express is 1221.40 metres away
Sainsburys is 1327.36 metres away
Lidl (Warehouse) is 1461.02 metres away
Lidl is 1578.83 metres away
Aldi is 4177.95 metres away
Waitrose is 5261.02 metres away

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